
The article reveals the national and cultural specificity of phraseological units for excitement in the Ukrainian and Russian languages. The purpose of this work is to determine the national and cultural features of Ukrainian and Russian phraseological units (PhU) for the designation of concern, excitement, worry, anxiety based on the specifics of customs, beliefs, and everyday life that are reflected in them. The object of the study is Ukrainian and Russian phraseological units for the designation of concern, excitement, worry, anxiety. The subject of the study is the presence / absence of nationally and culturally specific features of Ukrainians and Russians in the display of such PhUs. As a result of comparative analysis of the similarities and differences of the PhU of this phraseological microsystem in the Ukrainian and Russian languages, based on the structural-grammatical, semantic and functional features of the PhU in each of these languages, as well as the use of selection criteria and the appropriate method of researching the material, it was found that they are equivalent, close or similar and non-equivalent Ukrainian and Russian equivalents of phraseological units denoting concern, excitement, worry, anxiety. Conclusions are made about the presence of equivalent, non-equivalent phraseological units and analogous phraseological units in the Ukrainian and Russian phraseological systems.

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