
Problem statement. The article is devoted to the linguistic and linguistic-and-literary analysis of the short story «Dark alleys» by I.A. Bunin aiming at mastering the methods of such type of analysis of an art work. The article aims to consider the linguistic structure of the story in terms of vocabulary, translation, word formation, morphology and onomastics. Special attention is paid to the linguistic basis and lexical base of this story. Results. This paper highlights and describes the features of outdated, non-equivalent, borrowed and calque words, which are used to express the historical space of the story «Dark alleys» by I.A. Bunin. The author's means of information coding concerning important historical events are analyzed. It is found out by what language means the author expresses the ideological and emotional sides of his story and linguistically significant information about the language units used to reflect the real character in the story is revealed. Conclusion. Analyzing the short story of I.A. Bunin, we came to the conclusion that the onomastic material of the story plays a specific role: the name of the main character was chosen by the author in honor of the Russian officer — Nikolai Alekseevich Kireev, and the name of Job in parallel to the "unhappiness" of the author for his whim. As a result, we prove that the text of the story cannot be covered with any quick reading. This story was written using the tools of different language sections: vocabulary, word formation, morphology and onomastics. The story should be read carefully, because placing it in the collection «Dark alleys», the author thus emphasizes that he describes not only love, but also history, and not one, but two at once.

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