
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cultural values and communication styles in Pakistan. To achieve this aim, a sociolinguistic approach was adopted, and participants were selected from diverse cultural backgrounds across the country, including KPK, Punjab, Balochistan, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, and AJK. The study used a qualitative research design, specifically semi-structured interviews, to collect data. This approach allowed for an in-depth exploration of the participants' communication experiences and cultural values, providing rich insights into the intersection of culture and communication. The findings of the study highlight the significant impact of cultural values on communication styles in Pakistan. The study identified that people from different cultural backgrounds have distinct communication styles, which are shaped by their cultural values. For instance, the study found that collectivist cultures tend to use indirect communication styles and avoid direct conflict, while high-context cultures require more attention to nonverbal cues for effective communication. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship between cultural values and communication styles in Pakistan. The findings have implications for individuals and organizations seeking to navigate intercultural communication in the country and contribute to the broader literature on culture and communication. The study's methodology and approach can also serve as a useful model for future research on intercultural communication in other contexts.

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