
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of dialogic speech in a literary text based on the novel "Love Story" by the American writer E. Segal. The work is based on the application of contextual-interpretative method, the essence of which is to study the text in different types of context based on the researcher's interpretation of textual categories and components. The research was conducted within the framework of text linguistics, a branch of general linguistics, which considers the text as a system of the highest rank, as a complex unity, structural and semantic formation, different from a simple sequence of sentences, which enhances attention to the act of communication. Unlike other types of narrative, dialogue is quite easy to distinguish in the text due to the mandatory punctuation and graphic selection. All remarks of a character form his speech part, and each separate remark, as a rule, is a part of dialogic unity, i.e. two or more remarks closely connected with each other by formal and semantic connections. Any dialogue in a work of art performs two main functions: 1) to imitate oral spontaneous speech to create the effect of authenticity of the conversation; 2) to describe the characters, the relationship between them, and the situation of communication. Extensive use of multilevel stylistic devices in dialogic speech, namely: graphon, elliptical structures, aposiopesis, chiasmus, antithesis, play on words, etc. helps the author to reveal the main functions of dialogue – to imitate oral spontaneous speech, to create the effect of authenticity of the conversation, and to describe the characters, the relationship between them, and the situation of communication in general. The main characters are described as educated people, in particular, through the use of various allusions, Latin and French expressions, etc. At the same time, they are typical representatives of the American student youth of the 70's, which is reflected in the use of colloquial words and sometimes profanity in their speech, which also gives it emotional coloring and the effect of authenticity.

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