
A theoretical and experimental investigation has been made of the 2p53p–2p53s transition array in Ne i. Relative line strengths were experimentally measured, using electron-beam excitation of low-pressure neon gas and a single-photon counter, with an accuracy of better than 6%. Relative line strengths were also calculated in various coupling schemes and compared to experimental values. No choices of pure coupling schemes reproduced the experimental data. A recently modified intermediate-coupling calculation by Mehlhorn gives results in good agreement with our experimental values. By normalizing the measured relative line strengths to the experimental lifetimes of Bennett and Kindlmann, absolute A values were obtained which are believed to have an accuracy of better than 10%. The radial factor of the spontaneous dipole transition matrix was determined from the absolute A values and relative line strengths. This radial factor was found to be within 7% of the calculated radial factor using the Coulomb approximation.

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