Feldspar contaminants in quartz aliquots, either as micro-inclusions or as remnant grains (due to inadequate etching) can affect the accuracy and precision of paleodose estimates based on blue-green light stimulated luminescence (BGSL). Such contamination could also alter the shape of the BGSL stimulation curve of otherwise pure quartz. In this study, the functional relationship between the infra-red stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and BGSL of feldspars, (1) at different preheats, and (2) with IR bleaching at different stimulation temperatures and durations, is examined. The results suggest two trap populations participate in the feldspar BGSL process. These are: (1) Type (A) trap populations that can be stimulated by both the infra-red and the blue-green light at 125°C and, (2) Type (B) trap populations that respond only to blue-green-light stimulation at 125°C. However, infra-red stimulation at elevated temperature (220°C) (ETIR) permits depletions of charges in Type (A) and Type (B) to the extent that the feldspar BGSL can be reduced by up to 97% in 5 min . These results offer prospects for (1) improved precision in paleodose estimates based on quartz; (2) BGSL dating of quartz in a polyminerallic fine grain samples; (3) age estimates based on both quartz and feldspars from the same aliquots, and (4) dating based on feldspar micro-inclusions.
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