
Wood properties influence the leaf life span (LL) of tree crowns. As lignin is an important component of wood and the water transport system, we investigated its relationship with embolism resistance and the LL of several tree species in a seasonally dry tropical ecosystem. We determined total lignin and the monomer contents of guaiacyl (G) and syringyl (S) and related them to wood traits and xylem vulnerability to embolism (Ψ50 ) for the most common species of the Brazilian semiarid, locally known as Caatinga. Leaf life span was negatively related to Ψ50 and positively related to S:G, which was negatively related to Ψ50 . This means that greater S:G increases LL by reducing Ψ50 . Lignin content was not correlated with any variable. We found two apparently unrelated axes of drought resistance. One axis, associated with lignin monomeric composition, increases LL in the dry season as a result of lower xylem embolism vulnerability. The other, associated with wood density and stem water content, helps leafless trees to withstand drought and allows them to resprout at the end of the dry season. The monomeric composition of lignin (S:G) is therefore an important functional wood attribute affecting several key functional aspects of tropical tree species in a semiarid climate.

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