
The escalating number of the most various intelligent devices having Internet connection will be the defining direction of development of the Internet for the next years. Already now 98.8% of all manufactured microprocessors are used in the embedded applications and only 1.2% -- in traditional computers. Along with traditional Internet devices, such as personal computers, laptops, smartphones, the Internet access have the devices of household appliances, transport, various sensors (including connected with processing of biometric data, personal information of medical character, etc.), and also the tags of radio-frequency identification (RFID). However there is a basic possibility of using of this technology for unauthorized obtaining of confidential information of personal character. So the former CIA director David Petraeus declared that data from the Internet-connected devices can be used for drawing up the most detailed file on any person. Thus, development information and the Internet of technologies will demand effective implementation of the information security algorithms providing confidentiality and integrity of data. It is obvious that cryptographic methods of information security form a basis of such safety. Feature is that they have to be applied to the most various intelligent devices which because of their activity conditions as well as cost constrains peculiar to mass production, are characterized by rigid restrictions on the used memory resources, computing power, power supplies, etc. that in turn conducts to restrictions on the used technologies and technological decisions. So, for example, strict restrictions are imposed on energy consumption of passive intelligent devices such as radio-frequency tags or contactless smart cards. Other restriction imposed on the hardware is a limit on number of the logical elements used in an algorithm chip. The report examines various approaches to the design of information security algorithms, effective for realization in the conditions of significantly limited resources such as radio-frequency tags, contactless smart cards, sensors, coprocessors for 8-bit processors etc.

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