
Light- and electron-microscopic localization of substance P in the monkey spinal cord was studied by the peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique with the particular aim of examining types of interactions made by substance P-positive boutons with other neuronal elements in the dorsal horn. By light-microscopy dense labeling for immunoreactive substance P was found in laminae I, II (outer zone) and V (lateral region), consistent with findings in other mammalian species. By electron-microscopy, substance P-positive staining was mostly in unmyelinated and in some thinly myelinated small diameter fibers. Substance P-positive terminals contained both large granular vesicles (80–120 nm diameter), which were filled with reaction product, and clear round vesicles (40–60 nm). Substance P-positive large granular vesicles were sometimes observed near presynaptic sites and in contact with dense projection there. Immunoreactive substance P boutons were small to large in size (1–4μm), formed synapses with somata and large dendrites and were the central axons of synaptic glomeruli where they were in synaptic contact with numerous small dendrites and spines. Substance P-labeled axons frequently formed synapses with dorsal horn neurons which were also postsynaptic to other types of axons. Substance P-positive profiles participated in numerous puncta adhaerentia with unlabeled cell bodies, dendrites and axons. Only rarely, some suggestive evidence was obtained indicating that axons might synapse onto substance P-containing boutons. Biochemical analysis of monkey spinal cord tissue extracts, undertaken to characterize more precisely the immunoreactive substances, indicated that only substance P and its oxide derivative were detected with the antiserum used in the immunocytochemistry. These morphological findings show that substance P is contained within a class of axon terminals, many of which have been shown previously in the monkey to originate from the dorsal root. The results suggest that modulation of substance P primary afferents terminating in the outer dorsal laminae of the monkey spinal cord occurs in part via axonal inputs onto dorsal horn neurons postsynaptic to the primary afferent.

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