
A method is presented for calculating the light absorption and scattering characteristics of nondeveloped photographic layers. The diffusion of a large number of photons in the layer is simulated on a digital computer. The physical data entering into the computation are: (a) the probability-distribution function for the free path of a photon in the emulsion layer, (b) the probability-distribution function for angular scattering, (c) the thickness of the emulsion layer and of the base, and (d) the index of refraction of emulsion layer and base. The ratio k=σabs/(σabs+σscatt), in which σabs and σscatt are the cross sections for absorption and for scattering of the silver halide grains, is used as a variable parameter.The following results are obtained: (a) the modulation transfer function, (b) the total reflectance, transmittance, and absorption of the layer, and (c) the distribution of the absorbed light in the direction perpendicular to the emulsion plane. The convergence of the method is discussed. Results of the application thereof to a typical layer are given.

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