
The possibility to lift the geometric frustration in the “114” stoichiomeric tetragonal oxide YBaFe 4 O 7.0 by decreasing the temperature has been investigated using neutron and synchrotron powder diffraction techniques. Besides the structural transition from tetragonal to monoclinic symmetry that appears at T S =180 K, a magnetic transition is observed below T N =95 K. The latter corresponds to a lifting of the 3D geometric frustration toward an antiferromagnetic long range ordering, never observed to date in a cubic based “114’” oxide. The magnetic structure, characterized by the propagation vector k 1 =(0,0,½), shows that one iron Fe2 exhibits a larger magnetic moment than the three others, suggesting a possible charge ordering according to the formula YBaFe 3 + Fe 3 2 + O 7.0 . The magnetic M ( T ) and χ ′( T ) curves, in agreement with neutron data, confirm the structural and magnetic transitions and evidence the coexistence of residual magnetic frustration. Moreover, the transport measurements show a resistive transition from a thermally activated conduction mechanism to a variable range hopping mechanism at T S =180 K, with a significant increase of the dependence of the resistivity vs. temperature. Mössbauer spectroscopy clearly evidences a change in the electronic configuration of the iron framework at the structural transition as well as coexistence of several oxidation states. The role of barium underbonding in these transitions is discussed. Atomic displacements at the tetragonal-monoclinic transition in YBaFe 4 O 7 . • The structural and magnetic phase transitions of YBaFe 4 O 7 were studied below room temperature. • The tetragonal to monoclinic transition, characterized by NPD and SXRD, was studied using mode crystallography approach. • Monoclinic distortion allows the lifting of the geometrical frustration on the iron sublattice, leading to AF order at T =95 K.

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