This paper explores the sociological and cultural implications of blockchain technology, specifically focusing on three prominent blockchain ecosystems: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Algorand. The study utilizes the concept of the lifeworld, which encompasses collective human perceptions and everyday communicative social interaction, to analyze the formation and perpetuation of lifeworlds within these ecosystems. By employing scene theory as an analytical framework, the research identifies structural and thematic aspects of the lifeworlds represented in the discourse on Reddit and Twitter. The analysis reveals how these virtual spaces shape the unique social orderings, normative politics, and cultural identities associated with each blockchain. The study emphasizes the role of identity expression, cultural attitudes towards money, and the dynamics of boundary work within these scenes. Overall, the paper provides insights into the distinct lifeworlds and dynamics of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Algorand, showcasing the significance of sociocultural factors in blockchain ecosystems and illustrating how a scenes lens offers insights into dynamics at the ecosystem level that may not be visible in an exploration of blockchain technology at the level of technological category.
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