
Military operations can present risks whose origins may be unconventional. As an example, we can mention those within the spectrum of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense. This study evaluates, through a computer simulation, an operation in which soldiers face radiological contamination after the triggering of a radiological dispersion device (RDD) in an inhabited urban area. The simulation of the Gaussian scattering (analytical) of the Cs-137 radionuclide is performed using the HotSpot Health Physics codes software. The results of the simulation are evaluated according to two radiological risk domains, referring to high (above 100 mSv) and low integrated radiation doses over 4 continuous days of operation. The radiological risk for developing solid cancer according to specific epidemiological models was estimated. This information served as a basis for estimating the future detriment, that is, the loss of life expectancy (LLE). In addition, the methodology may serve as an instructional resource for tabletop exercises contributing to develop leadership and preparation for decision-making in asymmetric environments.

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