
The idea that „life is paradise”, in The Brothers Karamazov expressed by Markel, Zinovy-Zosima, and Mikhail, is read from the perspective of the theology of joy, which is present in the Gospel of John as the theology of death (cf John 12:24), as losing the „self”, especially in the l ight of the following words of Jesus: „I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (John 11:25). Thus understood, life is neither bios nor psyche, but zoe, living for God, life beyond death. The characters’ conversion signifi es a „return to paradise”, symbolized by the motif of the reviving garden, and the vision of the Cana of Galilee revolves around the „restitution of paradise” and the joy that becomes communion (the picture of the community drinking the „wine of new joy”).

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