
AbstractOtolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca profiles were used in parallel with age data to investigate the life‐history characteristics of ide, Leuciscus idus (L.) (n = 111), in the Väinameri Sea, West Estonia. Sr:Ca profiles were more variable and useful than Ba:Ca profiles. Flexible life‐history patterns were observed within and among the three study sites. Most of the individuals (72%) hatched in semi‐enclosed bays that are fresh water during spring spawning but are often flooded with brackish water during other seasons. The importance of lotic spawning varied among sites and was the highest (88%) in Matsalu Bay, moderate in Saunja Bay (33%) and lowest (0%) in Käina Bay. Young of the year emigrated from natal sites and entered the sea within the first summer; 95% did so during the first month post‐hatch. Juvenile ide undertook non‐spawning, freshwater migrations in the following spring; however, the reasons behind this phenomenon remain unknown. As the importance of lotic spawning has significantly decreased and multiple historically important ide spawning rivers lack anadromous runs altogether, it is suggested that actions should be taken to aid the recovery of those imperilled spawning stocks.

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