
Based on the analysis and research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars regarding the vehicle life cycle assessment, in combination with the research data of relevant enterprises, the research has objectively assessed well to wheel energy efficiency of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, and performed comparative analysis with conventional gasoline vehicle, conventional diesel vehicle, natural gas vehicle, methanol vehicle and battery electric vehicle. The research results show that the range of well to wheel energy efficiency of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is between 6.8% and 29.2%, which depend much on the difference of source and transport mode of hydrogen, and the range covers several technical routes of vehicles other than battery electric vehicle which uses green electricity. The well to wheel energy efficiency under the scenario of hydrogen production from water electrolysis using renewable power such as photovoltaic and wind power is relatively high (21.9%–29.2%). The scenarios of hydrogen from methanol and grid power electrolysis are lower than other scenarios (6.8%–12.5%). The choice of hydrogen transportation mode is closely related to the distance between the production and use sites. For short and medium-distance, long-tube trailers can be used to transport gas hydrogen, and in the case of long-distance transportation, such as more than 800 km, the use of liquefaction or pipeline transportation can better ensure the energy efficiency advantage of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Nevertheless, for the same transport distance, the energy efficiency of well to wheel can be improved less effectively by increasing the hydrogen transportation capacity, and more effectively by improving the energy efficiency of the vehicle operation, the feedstock production and the hydrogen production.

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