
Currently, resource and environmental issues are more prominent than ever before, and we human beings face many challenges in this regard. Organosilicon is an indispensable new material in science and technology, national defense, and other fields. However, the current research on the life cycle assessment of organosilicon is still blank. Therefore, the life cycle assessment method was used to evaluate the environmental impact of direct synthesis of organosilicon monomer. At the same time, the methods of improving the production process of silicone monomer were studied and the carbon flow diagram of the synthesis process of silicone monomer was drawn. In the ECER-135 (Chinese Thirteenth Five-year Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Overall Index) results, SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) contributed the most (51.69%). As for the overall index, the MS-SP (Metallurgical Silicon Smelting and Silicon Powder Processing Stage) process contributes the most (69.56%), and SM-MD (Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomer and Crude Monomer Distillation Stage) contributes mainly in SO2, GWP (Global Warming Potential), RI (Respiratory Inorganics), and other aspects. The pollution to the environment in the production process of organosilicon monomer can be reduced by steam improvement and control of petroleum coke sulfur content.

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