
Love in the family of God. A descriptive expositin of familial love in the Gospel of John. Love is the central ethical term in John's Gospel. The meaning of the term is often misunderstood. This article investigates the use of the term in John's Gospel, especially within its familial context. It is established that, reverentially, love includes loyalty towards members of the community and the acceptance of responsibility. This implies that love is expressed in actions. It works reciprocally. The Father sets the example which should be followed in obedience by the children. The nature of love depends on the situation. In the case of the Father love is expressed by giving his Son to die on the cross. In the case of the disciples, love is expressed by them obediently following the commands of the Father and the Son. In both cases it involves giving something, whether it is your Son or life, or in the case of the disciples, themselves.


  • TJ:ris article investigates the use of the term in John's Gospel, especially within its familial context

  • Love includes loyalty towards members of the community and the acceptance of responsibility. This implies that love is expressed in actions

  • The Father sets the example which should be followed in obedience by the children

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As daar gevra word na die inhoud van liefde, blyk dit dat die Vadet- as vader sy verpligting nagekom het deur sy Seun te versorg en aan sy Seun te gee wat nodig is. Die stelling in 5:42 sou dan beteken dat hierdie mense God nie liefhet nie, soos wat dit blyk uit hulle aksies deurclat hulle Jesus nie aanvaar nie. Die liefde vir God moet deur die aanvaarding van Jesus gaan en in positiewe optrede teenoor Jesus geillustreer word, of soos Carson (1991 :570) dit stel ' ...

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