
Liberalization of electronic commerce is a key leading indicator in the commercial world. A robust system realizing full liberalization is vital to the further development of electronic commerce. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the most prominent and appropriate bodies to investigate the issue of liberalization. The changes made in implementing international standards through the legal and regulatory framework set by the WTO, will be key determinants of the future structure of electronic commerce. Mainland China and Hong Kong, both as members of the WTO, certainly are required to be in compliance with their own commitments. On the other hand, the CEPA is a regional trade agreement concluded between mainland China and Hong Kong as two separate members of the WTO. The sensible decision to follow the international standards through legal and regulatory structure set by the CEPA will no doubt lead the way towards betterment of both sides in developing electronic commerce, whose benefits will in turn extend beyond the economic arena.

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