
Sexuality is a fundamental component of human personal existence. Human sexuality as an aspect of human existence in the world involves a variety of dimensions, in dealing with these dimensions of human sexuality, this paper adopts a favored option regarding the multi-disciplinary procedural framework. In the context of the multidisciplinary procedural framework this paper pays attention to the question of terminology and theories in relation to the origins of homosexuality, health and disease categories, together with the holistic Development of human life viz-a-viz issues and perspectives. In the polarized arena of public and social discourse, with a cacophony of voices calling for or against the legal institutionalization of “gay marriage,” it is also important to call attention to the imperative of responsibility as an overarching ethical imperative. However, this papers overall goals are to stimulate thought by disrupting the present paradigm of counseling psychology as a primarily ameliorative endeavor, and to replace professional rhetoric regarding prevention and advocacy with concrete recommendations informed by pastoral doctrinal theory and research.


  • The human person is a complex unity and within the context of this complex unity, human sexuality remains a complex phenomenon

  • LGBT issues has over the past years in the global politics and sociological knowledge has become a matter of great concern, following the framework of reflexive modernity,[1] one can categorically assert at this juncture that grassroots and social movement are of paramount importance in the social transformation attained by LGBT politics

  • State-sponsored Homophobia report published by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) confirmed in 2017 that homosexual activities is still illegal in seventy-one countries and punishable by death in thirteen countries worldwide.[2]

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The human person is a complex unity and within the context of this complex unity, human sexuality remains a complex phenomenon. The current assertion of gay in our contemporary world today boils down to men who are sexually attracted to each other, documentary made us to understand that it was recycled as an extensive word to incorporate the totality of the contemporary understanding of LGBT acronym In reference to their liberation as street queens of color, in the 1970s, activists Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. 3.0 HOMOSEXUALITY: THE QUESTION OF HUMAN LIFE DEVELOPMENT The definite biotic composition that determines the development of human beings as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning still remains a topic of discussion, but suffice it to say that scholars have resolutely maintains that neither the human person is of affectional orientation nor gender identity is a choice. They are unalterable fragments of the real essence of a person, they are inborn The important questions remain: What are the origins of homosexuality? Is homosexuality a product of genetic-biological factors or psycho-social factors? Or, is homosexuality an interaction of genetic-biological factors and psycho-social factors? In the attempt towards a profound intellectual encounter with these questions, we will examine some of the experiential theoretical explanations that have been proffered

Homosexuality: The Question of Experiential Theories
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