
Introduction. The article focuses on the lexico-semantic units of the neology as a means of enriching figurative Ukrainian speech and as an important aesthetic component of the author's picture of the writer’s world.Purpose. The aim of the article is to describe and analyze the lexico-semantic innovations by using various criteria suggested by Liuko Dashvar, Dara Kornii, Lesia Romanchuk, Iren Rozdobudko.Methods. Systematization of the known directions and aspects applied while conducting the research within the descriptive method with its methods of external and internal interpretations proved it expedient to study the lexico-semantic units using the semantic-and-structural method,in particular the method of component and distributional analysis.Practical value of the results. The paper defines and describes the main varieties of lexico-semantic neologisms that function in contemporary fiction female prose. We suggest that these innovations may be classified according to the following criteria:1) the form of the linguistic unit: neolexemes (the novelty of the form is combined with the novelty of the content); transnominational neologisms (the combination of a new form of word with the expressed meaning of the already existed form); neosemems (new meaning is expressed by the form available in the language); neophrase;2) the degree of novelty (and by the way of nomination): absolute (strong) and relative as a result of borrowings;3) the functional purposes: nominative and nominative-expressive;4) the parameter of language – norm – speech: conventional (generally-accepted) and occasional (accidental).Conclusion. The conducted research shows that the role of contemporary authoresses in the development of the Ukrainian language is poly-dimensional. Thus, in particular, is the creation of neoforms with abstract-and-conceptual meaning and neosemantic units within the lexemeand its interconnectivity as well as actualization of the linguistic experience of the Ukrainian intelligentsia of the late XIXth – early XXth centuries and the connection with the cultural and written tradition of the Ukrainian language during historically ancient layers. Linguistic investigationsby Liuko Dashvar, Lesia Romanchuk, Iren Rozdobudko are aimed at discovering and developing natural, evolutionarily motivated content units of thinking. Their new discoveries are not sharply distinguished on the background of well-known words. The most vivid and most numerous lexicosemantic innovations are neosemantic units, performing the evaluative-expressive function.

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