
Big part of European Jewry emigrated to other continents in late XIXth – early XXth century. Jews from Russian Empire started their first emigration wave in 1881. The main reason of this wave was Pogroms, according to traditional historiography. Other reasons were: low social level of life in Russian Empire; restrictions on Jewish rights («Pale of Settlement»); religious and ideological ideas of Zionism; networks of relatives and friends with information about wonderful life in other countries; Jewish hometown-based associations in foreign countries with their help to new immigrants etc. One more reason of Jewish migration – the work of recruiting agents network. The Number of recruiting agents was too big in Russian Empire in late XIXth – early XXth century. The business with recruiting of new emigrants was a very profitable. Mass of Jewish people coming out from Russian Empire to other countries and continents with recruiting agents services. There were many scammers in association of recruiting agents. Two waves of Jewish emigration caused irreparable damage economic system and demography of Russian Empire. Situation with Jewish immigration into Russian Empire was quite different. It`s character was not such mass. The main reasons of immigration were: business, finance and Zionism. This study is based on archival materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire of the Vilnius Governor-General, which are stored in the holdings of the Central Archives for the History of Jewish People Jerusalem (State of Israel). These archival materials are about permanent and temporary migration of European Jewry that took place across the northwestern border of the Russian Empire to the territories of Western European countries, England and the North American continent during 1881-1903. Circumstances of crossing the specified border by foreigner Jews in the opposite direction (immigration) for staying within the Russian Empire are covered. It is noted that one of the reasons for the mass emigration movements of the Jewish population outside the Russian Empire was the active actions of emigration agents and their societies.

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