
This research is devoted to the comparative analysis of lexical tonality in business Internet correspondence in Russian and English. The review and analysis of scientific literature, articles devoted to the study of the concept of lexical tonality is carried out. Lexical tonality is a subjective attitude through emotion, evaluation, opinion, judgment to another subject or object, which is determined at the level of vocabulary, which allows you to explore the tonality in a sentence, breaking it into separate lexemes and considering the meaning of each of them. The current trends that affect the lexical tonality when writing business letters in Russian and English have been studied. The study presents variants of words that have positive or negative semantics, words with semantics that contain an emotional assessment and words with the meaning of benevolence, interest, tact, consistency, etc. It is shown how positive, negative, neutral tonality is determined in a sentence with the help of words, which is expressed in a positive, negative or neutral attitude of the subject to the object. One of the objectives of the study is to supplement the classification of means in two languages (considering their specifics) to determine the lexical tonality of the text in business Internet correspondence.

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