
he study examined leveraging Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach for technology-driven teaching and learning of entrepreneurship in Southeast Nigerian Universities. Two research questions were answered while two hypotheses were tested. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 203 respondents for the study. The instrument for data collection for the study was a structured questionnaire and face-validated by three experts. To obtain the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach Alpha reliability technique was used which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.934, indicating that the instrument was about 93% reliable for data collection for the study. Out of the 203 copies of the questionnaire administered, 194 copies were completely responded to, returned and considered suitable for the study. Data were analysed using mean and t-test statistics. From the data analysed, the results identified 12 Public Private Partnership (PPP) approaches for technology-driven teaching and learning of entrepreneurship studies and 15 potentials of well-coordinated Public Private Partnership (PPP) for technology-driven teaching and learning of entrepreneurship studies in southeast Nigerian Universities. The results on the hypotheses tested showed that no significant (p<0.05) difference existed in the mean ratings of the responses of Entrepreneurship Studies Lecturers and Administrators. Based on these findings, the study recommended improved collaborations of public institutions with private investors for adequate funding and management of entrepreneurship programmes to actualize technology-driven instruction for quality education in Nigeria.

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