
This paper presents a utilization of the information mining technique to decide the financial profiles of the public clinics in Turkey. The review depends on the information accumulated in 2004, covering 645 public clinics run by the Ministry of Health (MoH) as the fundamental supplier of essential and optional wellbeing administrations in Turkey. The public medical clinics, as of now financed by a combination of assets allotted from the overall spending plan and separately worked rotating reserves, need critical answers for their financial issues as a piece of a continuous public change exertion. The examination takes on the Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) choice tree calculation, as one of the most efficient and cutting-edge information digging technique utilized for division. The investigation has discovered that the public clinics could be sorted by the CHAID into 12 unique profiles as far as their financial execution. These profiles have directed us in deciding the key financial markers to be engaged upon in the public emergency clinics and present accepted procedures to work on their individual financial exhibitions. The findings have likewise permitted strategy ideas regarding the financial techniques that might be considered in working on the financial execution of the public medical clinics toward an effective wellbeing area change in Turkey.

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