
With the rapid emergence of technologies, coupling interdependent consumer electronics networks have become imperative to enable information exchange, holistic data analysis, and effective decision-making techniques. While interdependent networks can discover crucial information through intuitive understanding and efficient data-driven algorithms, it is crucial to leverage secure and effective data exchange among the underlying networks of consumer electronics. Blockchain comes into play when it requires ensuring trustless communication and data exchange amongst multiple interdependent networks. Blockchain interoperability is evolving and gaining widespread popularity in industry and research due to its ability to exchange data among multiple blockchains. This paper presents Divide-LeapChain, a next-generation efficient and effective interoperable blockchain framework for interdependent networks of heterogeneous consumer electronics devices. The Divide-LeapChain addresses the critical issues of intra- and inter-blockchain communication, including spatial and temporal uncertainties in data traversal, exchange, validation, and cross-chain swaps. It promises significant drops-off in verification steps without weakening blockchain integrity, which extends the possibilities to apply blockchain applications on heterogeneous embedded consumer Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

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