
Consumption of local and imported bottled water in Canada has greatly increased during the past three decades. While the presence of natural radioactivity is often overlooked when dealing with the water quality of these bottled products, it could contribute substantially to the uptake of radionuclides especially when sourced from regions with higher radioactivity levels compared to where it is consumed. In this study, the activity of several naturally occurring radionuclides (i.e., 210Po, 226,228Ra, 230,232Th, 234,235,238U) were measured in bottled water available in Québec, Canada after sample pretreatment and analysis by either radiometric or mass spectrometry approaches. 230,232Th and 228Ra concentrations were below minimum detectable activity levels in all samples tested. Analytical results for 234U, 235U, 238U, and 226Ra showed concentrations that ranged from 0.38 to 115 mBq/L, (2.2–313) x 10−2 mBq/L, 0.48–58.4 mBq/L, and 1.1–550 mBq/L, respectively. 210Po was detected in only 5 samples and its activity ranged from 2 to 26 mBq/L. To determine variability in activity within brands, the same brands of bottled water were purchased during two consecutive years and analyzed. The possible radiological impact of the consumption of these types of water was assessed based on different drinking habit scenarios. Some of the imported water brands showed higher activity concentrations than local sources or tap water, suggesting that individuals drinking predominantly imported bottled water would receive a higher radiation dose than those who drink mainly local water.

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