This review presents the findings on the distribution and levels of 20 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 7 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) all over the world, based on measurements in samples of air, human milk and pine needles. The Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health has been conducting research in all three matrices for many years, and this review summarises its results too. Significant decrease in concentrations of organochlorine compounds has been seen after the legal ban of their use, but that decresing trend has been slowed down and they are still found in all samples. In general, higher PCB levels are found in samples from urban locations, pesticides levels are higher in samples from locations where has been their probable usage in agriculture, while HCB levels are usually indicator of industrial activity.γ-HCH has been found in the highest concentration in air and pine needles samples, while in humans DDE and β-HCH are the most abundant compounds. Indicator PCB congeners are also differently present in environment and humans: in air and pine needles lower-chlorinated, more volatile PCB congeners have higher concentrations while in humans that goes for more persistent higher-chlorinated PCB congeners. Among toxic ortho-substituted PCB congeners in human and environmental samples the most abundant is PCB-118 while three non-ortho substituted congeners (PCB-77, PCB-126 and PCB-169) that are the most toxic ones are rarely detected. From organochlorine pesticides, DDD is found in lowest concentrations in all samples.
Organoklorovi spojevi prisutni su u zraku u plinovitom stanju i sorbirani na čestice, a njihova raspodjela između čestica i plinovite faze ovisi o temperaturi, tlaku para dotičnih spojeva te o količini i površini čestica
Indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners are differently present in environment and humans: in air and pine needles lower-chlorinated, more volatile PCB congeners have higher concentrations while in humans that goes for more persistent higher-chlorinated PCB congeners
U ovome preglednom radu prikazani su rezultati dobiveni diljem svijeta o raspodjeli i razinama 20 kongenera poliklorbifenila (PCB) i 7 organoklorovih pesticida (OCP) u uzorcima zraka, majčina mlijeka i borovih iglica. Indikatorskih kongenera PCB-a određuje se zbog svoje zastupljenosti u komercijalnim smjesama i uzorcima iz okoliša. Često se zbog svoje zastupljenosti u uzorcima okoliša analiziraju još i PCB-60 i PCB-74. Organoklorovi spojevi određuju se u raznim uzorcima iz okoliša kako bi se odredile njihove razine i utvrdilo da li se one smanjuju kao što se očekuje ili povećavaju zbog svježeg unosa u okoliš te procijenio eventualni rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. U proučavanju izloženosti ljudi organoklorovim spojevima rabe se uzorci koji sadržavaju masti kao što su masno tkivo, krv i majčino mlijeko, u kojima se ti spojevi zadržavaju zbog svoje lipofilnosti. Tipovi uzoraka koji su ovdje prikazani omogućuju usporedbu razina i profila onečišćenja u živom (borove iglice, čovjek) i neživom (zrak) dijelu okoliša
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