
Women experience menstruation at different ages which makes it difficult for young girls to explain what is happening to their bodies. The lack of information they get from them makes them unprepared and unable to manage their menstruation properly. Thus, teenage girls have feelings of fear, anxiety, discomfort which are signs of anxiety. Anxiety can be reduced by providing interventions in the form of adequate reproductive health education to female students before menarche through video media, presentations, discussions and questions and answers. The experimental approach will be used in this study, with a pre-experimental design and a pretest and posttest one group design. Because the study was conducted on variables for which data did not yet exist, it was necessary to modify the process by administering certain treatments to the research subjects, which were then observed/measured. From 38 respondents, before the intervention, it was known that 22 respondents (58%) were known not to be anxious, 4 respondents (11%) experienced mild anxiety, 7 respondents (18%) experienced moderate anxiety, 5 respondents (13%) experienced anxiety severe and there were no respondents with very severe anxiety. Folowing the health education interventin, it was discovered that 25 respondents (66%) did not experience anxiety, 6 respondents (16%) experienced mild anxiety, 4 respondents (11%) experienced moderate anxiety, 3 respondents (8%) experienced severe anxiety and did not There were respondents with very severe levels of anxiety. There is a significant difference in the level of anxiety facing menarche before and after being given reproductive health education to SD Negeri 19 Lahat students.

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