
Background: Preschool age children are a period of growth for a child. Caries problem is a case experienced by preschoolers. This condition is very concerning considering that preschool children still need the role of parents in caring for their health, especially dental health. In this case, parental knowledge is needed in guiding and giving more attention so that children do not experience caries. Research objective: to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of oral health and caries experience in preschool children at PAUD Al-Jihad, Subang Regency. Methods: research with a cross-sectional design, a population of 40 people, consisting of 20 Al-Jihad PAUD students and 20 students' parents, sampling using non-random sampling method. Data was collected by examining dental caries in children and distributing a list of questions (questionnaire) to the child's parents. Data were analyzed using the chi-square statistical test. The results showed that most of the parents' knowledge about dental and oral health of preschool children in PAUD Al-Jihad was mostly moderate (40%), caries experience in preschool children was mostly with high criteria (55%), there was a relationship between parental knowledge and experience. caries in preschool children (p=0.01<α: 0.05). In this study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the level of dental and oral health knowledge and caries experience in preschool children at PAUD Al-Jihad, Subang Regency. It is recommended to carry out dental and oral health counseling to parents so that it is hoped that it can increase public knowledge and awareness in maintaining dental and oral health.

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