
Plants, in general, are distributed in lat of places and always come together with the human being, since the beginning of their evolution. But there are some species with are considered undesirable, because it preclude the productivity of the forage, and can cause intoxication in animals. There are ruderal plants everywhere and are properly know as bush ,weeds or invasive plants .The objective of this research was perform the taxonomic and eltnobatany characterization in the ruderal vegetation in pasture from the waste Alagoano. The study was performed in the cities of Arapiraca, Girau do Ponciano ,Lagoa da Canoa , Feira Grande, São Sebastião , and desenvolved in a qualitative and descriptive approach .The execution of this work occurred in a period of August 2013 to December. At first ,happened the characterization of the research , signed by the Free and Informed Consent Term and answering the had about the ruderal plants. After, the plants are collected families to khowing: Rubiacea, Lamiacea , Malvaceace ,Solanareace , Asteracea , Poaceace ,Cyperacea , Cucurbitacea . The result showed the Asteraceae as the family with the biggest number of speries amorg the forage. Beside that, noticed that ,there are difficulty to the farmer in the management of the foragem ,once the ruderal plants are there . In this sense ,the absence of information about this kind of vegetation increase the amount ruderal plants in the several pasture and agricultural crops, once there aren´t technical recommendation of management and cultural treats for implantation, recommendation or pasture´s conduction .

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