
A multi-fan system (MFS) for single culture beds was developed to improve the airflow in a plant factory with artificial light. The MFS had seven fans which were installed on both the front and back sides of culture beds to generate airflow from two opposite horizontal directions. The fans that push the air into the culture bed were air inlets while those that pull the air out of the culture bed were air outlets. In this study, three airflow patterns were evaluated: T1, the front and back sides of the culture bed were air inlets; T2, the front side was an air inlet and the backside was an air outlet; and T3, both the front and back sides were air outlets. A culture bed with no MFS was used as a control (T4). Lettuce growth and tipburn occurrence were evaluated and leaf boundary layer resistance (1/gbv), sensible heat flux (Sh), and latent heat flux (Lh) of lettuce plants were estimated. The airflow pattern in T1 improved the air velocity (Va) by an average of 0.75ms-1 and a variation coefficient of 65%. The 1/gbv decreased significantly with the increase in Va, and the lowest value of 54.0sm-1 was observed in T1. The low resistance to heat and moisture transfer enhanced the Sh and Lh of lettuce plants. The average Sh and Lh were 40% and 46% higher in T1 compared with those in T4. The fresh and dry weights of lettuce plants in T1 were 1.13 and 1.06 higher than those in T4, respectively. No tipburn occurrence was observed in lettuce plants grown under the MFS while five leaves per plant were injured with tipburn in T4. The results indicated that improving the airflow can improve the growth of indoor cultured lettuce and alleviate the occurrence of tipburn due to the decrease in the 1/gbv and the increase in the transpiration rate.

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