
The rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has led to increased efforts to support individuals with ASD across numerous aspects of life, including driving. While obtaining a driver's license substantially impacts quality of life and independence, it also creates distinct challenges for those with ASD. Challenges surrounding social communication, executive functioning, and sensory sensitivities are particularly evident when considering interactions between drivers with ASD and law enforcement personnel. Connecticut's Blue Envelope Program aims to improve interactions between drivers with and ASD law enforcement by providing instructions for officers and drivers to follow during routine traffic stops on a physical, blue colored, envelope. The instructional guidelines aim to assist officers in understanding and appropriately responding to common ASD-related behaviors which may be otherwise misinterpreted and includes accommodations officers could consider during a stop. Additionally, the envelope outlines clear steps for drivers with ASD to follow through the stop as to support predictability and expectations. The widespread acceptance, efficacy and popularity of the Blue Envelope program underscores the importance of increasing awareness and understanding of ASD among law enforcement and the need for more supports to aid in these increasing interactions. Discussion is offered on a broader implementation of this program to support individuals with ASD and officers, while improving the outcomes of interactions.

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