
Journal of International Business Studies (2010) 41, 175–177. doi:10.1057/jibs.2009.92 This issue of JIBS contains a bounty of riches: a Letter from the Editors, eight articles, and two research notes. Two of the articles were submitted under the previous editorial team, but all were completed under the current team. The issue opens with a Letter from the Editors, ‘‘Common method variance in international business research’’ by Chang, van Witteloostuijn and Eden, a response to the high number of JIBS submissions that appear to suffer from common method variance (CMV). When data sets are constructed solely from self-report questionnaires completed at the same time by the same participants, CMV may be a concern, particularly when the dependent and key independent variables are perceptual and are both drawn from the same survey. CMV can create false internal consistencies that lead to Type I and II errors. In this Letter, the editors explain CMV and the current state of best practices for handling CMV in international business research. Several of the articles in JIBS 41.2 cluster around the theme of institutions and international business, which I explore briefly below.

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