
With the theme of the conference being Crossroads in Chemistry the organizing committee, in their infinite wisdom, decided to place my article “Is there a role for the Periodic Table as Chemistry embraces Multidisciplinary Science and Quantum Field Theory?” in the last section of the History of Science Division on Wednesday 29th March. In one sense it was most appropriate; when at a crossroads one is looking back at the way you have travelled and looking forward to the way ahead with all its challenges using the experience and knowledge acquired on the way - a curious and open mind being an essential prerequisite. Many presentations described in forensic detail the work of individuals, relatively unknown, who have made crucial contributions to the development of science going back some three hundred years or more. Yet the above article seeks to make history by looking forward some one hundred and fifty years or more to a place where the periodic table and its cousins begin to describe nature as a complementary family of tables incorporating two fundamental cycles within the Universe. Will they ever be testable I hear you ask?

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