
In the age of the digital revolution, the developments that are taking place are rapidly transforming daily life as well. In terms of digital platform users, the spread of personal computers, internet infrastructure, mobile devices and sensor technologies has affected working life and daily life. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Metaverse technology on management information systems and to reveal how it will affect strategic planning and decision-making processes in businesses. Additionally, the aim is to provide examples of the use of Metaverse technologies in work life and to identify the changes they will bring to business operations. The descriptive method was used in the study. It has been revealed that the use of Metaverse technology in the management, strategic planning and decision-making processes of businesses will provide cost, time savings and competitive advantage to businesses and cause these processes to work realistically and healthily. It is one of the most important factors that will enable businesses to follow these technological developments and make use of these technologies.

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