
<p>本書為關懷公共價值的三位歐洲傳播學者,省思當代多以經濟意義與獲利動機設立暨運作之平臺企業社會,檢視其概念、結構、機制與治理。專章說明重要平臺產業:一、新聞產業變化,二、城市交通現況,三、醫療照護與研究,與四、教育事業平臺化及顧慮,論述緊密扣連公共價值與市民社會需求。本文認為作者們提出全球平臺社會負責任之設計,關懷公共價值的實踐,兼論優質平臺社會之治理,惟較少著墨跨國平臺與社會對閱聽大眾的宰制關係。</p> <p> </p><p>Three European communication scholars who care about public values have co-authored this book that reflects the current platform businesses and platform societies, usually for profit and lucrative, and examines their concept, business structure, operational mechanism, and corporate governance. Four chapters are devoted to depict features of important platform industries: (1) the dynamic changing of the news industry, (2) the current condition of urban transport, (3) healthcare and health research, and (4) the "platformization" of education and related concerns. The discussions connect tightly with public values and the needs of the civil society. This review argues that the authors are successful in proposing the responsible design of global platform societies and raising awareness of public values practice and the corporate governance of high-quality platform societies. However, less attention is paid to the problem of domination of the cross-border platform businesses and the platform societies on the global audiences and the public.</p> <p> </p>

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