
The physical, chemical, and biotic characteristics of the ponds where neotenic populations of Palmate newts are found in Southern France are described. The frequency of neoteny is high in permanent ponds, at an altitude ranging from 400 to 700 m, on arid limestone plateaux with a yearly rainfall of 1500-2000 mm. In such areas there are large seasonal variations of water temperature, ranging from + 1 to + 28°C, water remaining cold (below + 15°C) for 8 to 10 months during the year. The saline content of water is low, as shown by conductivity figures (less than 200 μmhos/cm/cm²). No iodine deficiency was ever found in the ponds of the study area. A correlation has been found between the frequency of neoteny and the water concentration in Ca, Mg and particularly K (which may account for 35-40 % of the cations). The aridity of the area surrounding the pools can also contri¬ bute to the selection of neotenic individuals, paedogenesis being of obvious adaptive value in such an environment.

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