
Vladislav Ržeucku, The French in the Volga region: the Russian policy on migration during the 1760s and the establishment of French-speaking communities in Saint Petersburg and Moscow. The question of recruiting French settlers for Russia has not ever received the same attention as the influxes of French immigrants who populated the foreign communities of Saint Petersburg and Moscow. However, these French immigrants are often the same as those who came with the stream of German-speaking settlers destined for agricultural labor in the Volga region and who decided to establish themselves in the two capital cities, either upon their arrival, or by slipping away before reaching the Volga region, or after having known the difficulties of life in the settlements. They are largely responsible for the rapid growth of the French colony in Moscow during the years 1760-1770. A comparison of several lists of settlers, most of which have not been studied until recently, shows that this end result of the colonization campaign was in keeping with what usually happened in the case of French settlers. Given their cultural level, they frequently had already lost the habit of agricultural work at the time of their departure for Russia and most of them had been migrants for a great part of their lives. All these factors predetermined the most important collective migration of French settlers from the Volga region to the capitals, around the year 177S.

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