
The article deals with the Polish language features common in Semeliskių surroundings. This area belongs to the West region of Vilnius dialects, which is characterized by regressive, or minimal, bilingualistic type. Such variation of the Polish language is used by the old and only a small part of the middle generation. Only very rarely is this language used to interact in a public environment, Lithuanian language is more common. Primary schools, where the teaching language was Polish, were common in these areas only during the interwar period. Currently only Lithuanian educational institutions are in place. Residents of these dialectical areas know the Russian language, especially prevalent during the heyday of Soviet farms; the Belarusian language is also common. Features of the Polish language are described in the lexical basis. Lexis reflects well both Lithuanian language substrate, as well as the later adstratic and superstratic layers. Separated from the general Polish language, Polish dialects in the region managed to maintain Polish archaisms over time, lexical lituanizms, which entered the Polish dialects in different periods and in different ways, are widely prevalent. The old Lithuanian language borrowings can create synonym doubles with nearby used Polish archaisms, old baltarusisms, rusisms.


  • Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos lenkų kalbos, vartojamos Semeliškių apylinkėse, leksinės ypatybės

  • The article deals with the Polish language features common in

  • This area belongs to the West region of Vilnius dialects

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Vilniaus universitetas

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos lenkų kalbos, vartojamos Semeliškių apylinkėse, leksinės ypatybės. Gorącość ‘karštis’: Krowy jak sama goroncość, gilujo oni, to przyprowadzajo ich do chaty Siem.SH. Murzi’ak ty, czemu ty taki murzaty jak kot Siem.SA. ‘rogutės (antrosios rogės), naudojamos vežant rąstus’: Karuki nazywali takie sanki jak półsani Siem.SA. Nie wiem po lietewsku jak (taki wrzód nazywali), po polsku to nieżypirsznik Siem.SH. Pavyzdžiui, senieji lietuvių kalbos skoliniai gali sudaryti sinoniminius dubletus su šalimais vartojamais lenkų kalbos archaizmais, senaisiais baltarusizmais, rusizmais arba lietuviškos kilmės žodžiais: bronkt šale orczyk ‘skersinis viržiams užkabinti, kinkant arklį, vogas’: Taki bronkt zrobiony, orczyk jak my nazywali Siem.SH. Šale kutasiki dgs ‘brizgas’: Jiszcz'o takie uździenicy o co koniu na morda nakładali sie, to jiszcz'e on takich bryzguciow zrobi, kutasiki, jak Cyganów Siem.SH. ‘runkeliai’ šale buraki pastewne dgs.: Jak kołchozy byli, to tu gdzie te łonki, to wszeńdzie, sieli, sadzili, to bruczna sadzili, to runkli, buraki te pastewne sadzili Siem.SA. Tokius procesus galima pavadinti kalbos nykimu, kartu ir lenkų tautinės savimonės praradimu

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