
Lenin's analysis of the 'national question' shows numerous virtualities from a theoretical and political perspective. We are going to examine some of the theoretical conceptions which seem to underlie his view on the national question. In our opinion, these conceptions are a commendable work since they represent an alternative to the dilemma of essentialism and constructivism through which the social contemporary thinking has often fluctuated. Whereas essentialism tends to consider the national fact as a reality by nature and since time immemorial, constructionist approaches like those of Benedict Anderson and Ernest Gellner have insisted on its relatively recent political construction nature. Despite its unquestionable merits, this approach has often fallen into an excessively artificial perspective. According to it, the fabrication of any national identity would be possible with the appropriate skills to do so. Somehow, while essentialism refers to a metaphysical and substantivist, antidialectical approach, constructivism is very reminiscent of the old subjective idealism which believed that reality could be recreated by the individuals with almost complete liberty. For that reason, an approach like that of Lenin which conceives the national question as a long-term historical fact, and only politically manipulable to a very limited extent, could be of great use for materialist theoretical approaches. Some thinkers such as Maxime Rondinson and Pierre Vilar have shown this up.


  • Abstract.- Lenin's analysis of the 'national question' shows numerous virtualities from a theoretical and political perspective

  • It was necessary to get over any kind of unilateralism and accept the possibility of incorporating different partial perspectives, going from antithesis to synthesis (Lefebvre, 1974; Lenin, 1972; Marcuse, 1971)

  • It was possible to consider the fact that an improbable development tendency could end up prevailing in accordance with certain practical demands. Any another supposedly more viable potential development could not be happening if there were no favorable conditions. Lenin took those different contributions as a starting point and developed his own approach

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A complex conception about the national question

These brief observations about the style of Lenin's thought will help us to get a better understanding of his different positions about the so-called national question. The right of having a separate political organisation must be combined with a deep political and economic cooperation among these different units This cooperation would need of a certain cultural and identity homogeneity, especially by means of languages of communication spoken by most of the inhabitants. The development of more flexible identities and forms of social integration seems, at least, desirable according to the costs linked to its more rigid versions and according to the benefit of preserving an important indentity and cultural diversity This is something more appreciated nowadays than in Lenin's times.

Flexible political strategies
Beyond essentialism and constructionism
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