
Length-Weight relationship in adult (one year old) Heteropneustes fossilis collected from culture pond of Batiaghata in Khulna of Bangladesh was conducted during 1 June, 2007 to 2 July, 2007. The overall sex ratio of male to female was 1: 0.98. The total length was recorded in cm and the weight of the individuals was measured by means of a sensitive (3 decimal places) electric balance in g. The relationship indicated that weight of fish is directly related with the length of the species. A significant length-weight relationship was found for combined sex (R2 = 0.943), male (R2 = 0.789) and female (R2 = 0.939) in respect to total length of the species. This indicated that they are positively correlated. The peak condition factor (K) value was found at (5.09±0.526), (6.138±.0.60) and (5.77±0.40) in 17-18.9cm, 11.5-12.4cm and 15.5-16.9 cm and relative condition factor (Kn) value was found at (1.09±0.129), (1.186±0.17) and (1.148±0.09) in 17-18.9 cm, 16.5-17.4 cm and 15.5-16.9 cm of total length class size for combined sex, male and female respectively. Regression coefficient values (b) were found at 2.13 and 4.97 for male and female respectively, these values were not significantly different from 3 (Isometric growth) (p>0.05) and mean b value was found at 3.5 which indicated that the growth of adult was positive allometric. To ensure the continuity of the biodiversity and to retain the species for future generation, proper management and culture techniques of these species should be encouraged

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