
Recent instructions has been focusing on critical thinking skills by utilizing contextual learning resources. Therefore, this study was conducted by aiming at describing the quality of local culture-based students’ worksheet from the aspect of content, instructional design, instructional media, and the product users in accordance with the characteristics of primary school students. The integrated local culture-based worksheet was developed by using ADDIE model (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The data collected n study were analyzed descriptive qualitatively. Further, this study produced a thematic students’ worksheet on three main topics. The perception of the expert of instructional content to the integrated local-culture based worksheet was also in excellent category. On the other hand, the perception of the expert of instructional design and instructional media were in good category. Lastly, the perception of the students as the product users was in excellent category. Thus, it can be concluded that the developed worksheet has been suited to the primary school students’ characteristics.


  • Recent instructions has been focusing on critical thinking skills by utilizing contextual learning resources

  • The integrated local culture-based worksheet was developed by using ADDIE model

  • Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis perception of the expert of instructional design and instructional media were in good category

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(1) Data mengenai kualitas lembar kerja siswa berbasis budaya lokal hasil review ahli dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengolah data hasil review ahli isi (konten) mata pelajaran, ahli desain pembelajaran, ahli media pembelajaran dan uji coba siswa. Aspek penilaian pada ahli desain pembelajaran mencakup kesesuaian kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator pembelajaran, tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran dan penilaian hasil belajar dengan materi yang tersusun pada LKS; kesesuaian organisasi materi dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis budaya http://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/pgsd. (2) Data mengenai kualitas lembar kerja siswa berbasis budaya lokal hasil uji coba produk dianalisis melalui konversi skor yang didapat dari lembar kuisoner. Gambar 1 Tampilan depan LKS Berbasis Budaya Lokal LKS yang telah dikembangkan kemudian diuji coba kepada ahli konten, ahli desain pembelajaran, ahli media, dan uji coba kepada siswa SD sebagai pengguna http://ojs.unpkediri.ac.id/pgsd. Jaringan tema dilengkapi dengan kompetensi dasar serta indikator pembelajaran yang akan dicapai siswa dalam tema tersebut

13 Mendukung pembelajaran berbasis
11 Konsistensi sistematika sajian dalam kegiatan belajar
13 Dukungan terhadap materi
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