
The theme of this article is Law no 11.101/2005: bankruptcy procedures, judicial recovery and out-of-court recovery of companies. The following problem was investigated: What are the differences of the bankruptcy process, of the judicial and out-of-court reorganization?. The following hypothesis was hypothesized there is a difference between the referred processes. The general objective is show the general provisions of the processes. The specific objectives are which types of companies the Law no. 11.101 - LREF; list who has active legitimacy to file the lawsuits and discuss about bankruptcy crimes. This work is important for a Law operator, as it contributes to a deeper study on Law no 11.101 of 2005; for science, it is relevant for an in-depth study in the business environment on the referred law; it adds to society by the fact that some crisis in the company may occur. This is a qualitative theoretical research with a duration of six months.

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