
We review the concepts of legitimacy,  trust, and legal cynicism in the context the debate about police legitimacy,  discuss the extent to which these  concepts relate to each other, and  offer some early, speculative thoughts  on a how relational model of  legitimacy can extend beyond  procedural justice concerns. Relying  upon procedural justice theory, we  emphasise the distinction between police legitimacy and legitimation:  popular legitimacy is defined as public  beliefs that legal authority has the  right to rule (people acknowledge the oral appropriateness of legal  authority) and the authority to govern (people recognise legal authority as  the rightful authority), whereas legitimation is related to the criteria people use to judge the normative appropriateness of legal agents’ exercise of power (e.g., the extent to which police officers are trustworthy to behave in accordance with people’s normative expectations). Building on studies on legal cynicism and legal socialisation, we consider how other aspects of police conduct can send negative relational messages about people’s value within society and undermine their judgements about the legitimacy of legal authority – messages of oppression,  marginalisation, and neglect over the life course. We conclude suggesting avenues for future research on public-police relations.

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