
Period of the reforms the Tsar Pavel the First (1796-1801 yy.) continued to produce law regulation for a lot of spheres of life of Russian Empire and such important area as prevention inflection diseases among citizens of Empire. According the legislation the police was the main organization which participated in preventive sanitation and hygienic activity for making health environment in living places. Estimated both the police observing for cleaning town and actions against consuming rotten food and beverages by citizens of town. Some documents itemized the obligations for heads of villages toward hygienic and anti epidemic activity. There were a lot of rules that providing preventive antiinfection actions in military legislation issued by Pavel the First. The military Statutes “About infantry service”, “About cavalry service” and Naval Law conclude the obligation for medics of regiment to isolate the infection patients. The special Medical Councils were organized for coordination medical care in regions during period of conducting the Pavel I. Among many obligations of these Councils were such as rules for actions in cases infection diseases, researching infection patients. The main document that regulated activity to protect Russian boarders from infection invasion called “Statute of boarder and port quarantine” issued by 7 July 1800 year.

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