
Protection of agricultural land, especially sustainable food agricultural land has become an obligation for the government to make various policies, both in the form of laws and other regulations. However, if the efforts to control food agricultural land do not receive adequate support or are not integrated into the integrated development of the agricultural sector, these efforts will not succeed. This research uses a descriptive method is a method that examines the status of human groups, an object and a condition, a system of thought or an event in the present. It was conducted in North Sulawesi Province as a research location based on the reality of the many spatial problems in this area. The results showed that the implementation of LP2B in North Sulawesi Province is only in planning and has not been implemented properly by the local government or the Land Office in the implementation of land conversion because there is no regional regulation that stipulates LP2B and there is no map available as a reference in controlling the conversion of agricultural land in North Sulawesi Province. Efforts that can be made in optimizing the implementation of control over land use change through LP2B are the effectiveness of communication, socialization, coordination between agencies, formation of the LP2B team, capacity building of resources that are implementing policies, and financial resources. The government of North Sulawesi Provincial needs to form a Regional Regulation on sustainable agricultural food land accompanied by a map attachment so that it does not create uncertainty in its implementation.

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