
This article analyzes the data on investments of certain countries in the space industry in the period from 2011 to 2021. It is proved that the Space Industry is one of the industries without which it is impossible to imagine the modern world, as it is one of the primary factors of National Security. After all, with the launch of the first satellites, the Space Program has taken major steps into a new era of technology, significantly expanding the boundaries of the world in which we live. At present, countries around the world are financing the activities of state space corporations, so that they, in turn, work on the development of leading and promising rocket technologies. As investors realize and understand ‘space’ products and new technological opportunities allow them to create and operate an ever-expanding range of space technology. Investments in the industry are currently growing worldwide.Thus, in the period from 2014 to 2020, the European Union invested in excess of 16 billion euros in space activity and technology which indicates that the space industry is an important component of the European economy. The current investment wave can only be the basis for a future «wave» of investment that can radically transform the space market in the next decade and have a significant impact on the global economy. The article also examines a problem relevant to the national security of the state – the possibility of using economic and mathematical models to predict the prospects for the development of the space industry. In modern conditions, the space industry is seen as the basis for innovative development and economic security of the state, which is the driving force of economic development. After all, in order to sustainably develop the economy and achieve the indicators planned by the government, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the mechanisms of functioning of the system as a whole and its individual parts. That is why competent forecasting of the main indicators of the development of the space industry with the identification of key factors influencing it is especially relevant at the present stage. Forecasting of indicators is based on the construction of economic and mathematical models of industry development. It is determined that the construction of this model begins with the development of the model specification, which includes a verbal description of the study, followed by a presentation of the process of its functioning in the form of mathematical formulas. The methodology is that the study used methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction and induction. The subject is social relations that are formed in the space industry. Results. It is proved that it is important to clearly formulate and define the problem, as well as to identify all the factors and patterns that characterize the functioning of the system. Economic and mathematical models can increase the efficiency of the planning system of the industry and increase the accuracy of the process of forecasting its development. The successful development of the space industry is today becoming a necessary condition for preserving national sovereignty, both in the military-political aspect and in the field of information security. Practical implations. The article identifies the main trends inherent in the development of the global space industry, namely: privatization of space, commercialization of space activities and internationalization processes. It is proved that with the development of the space industry, states ensure strategic stability and security at all levels.

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