This article contains a study in the field of interaction and dependence of constitutional guarantees of Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova on power, economy and capital. The author analyzes the set of meanings and forms of this democracy, the measure, level and values of citizens who make up a collective or a lot of people, from the point of view of the means and methods of applying democratic principles through the prism of citizens ' involvement in the leadership of the state. The interaction and direct dependence of the implementation of constitutional norms by the political will, the level of the economy, including the interest and purpose of the dictatorship of capital, is subject to analysis. The real problem of Western-type democracy with regard to the expectations of citizens is also analyzed. The article also provides an assessment of democratic values in their current form and content. The most common and independent opinions, ideas and doctrines are analyzed. Similarly, an analysis is carried out from the general ideological point of view and the achievement of objective effects, including the subsequent occurrence of certain consequences. A comparative analysis is made on the opinions of other famous specialists in this field.
Creșterea demografică, mai ales cea înregistrată în ultimele decenii, nu avea cum să nu aducă cu sine și un șir de probleme, în special, cele legate de mediu
De vue des moyens et des méthodes d'application des principes démocratiques à travers le prisme de l'implication des citoyens dans la direction de l'État
L'interaction et la dépendance directe de la mise en œuvre des normes constitutionnelles par la volonté politique, le niveau de l'économie, y compris l'intérêt et le but de la dictature du capital, sont sujets à analyse
This article contains a study in the field of interaction and dependence of constitutional guarantees of Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova on power, economy and capital. The author analyzes the set of meanings and forms of this democracy, the measure, level and values of citizens who make up a collective or a lot of people, from the point of view of the means and methods of applying democratic principles through the prism of citizens ' involvement in the leadership of the state. The interaction and direct dependence of the implementation of constitutional norms by the political will, the level of the economy, including the interest and purpose of the dictatorship of capital, is subject to analysis. A comparative analysis is made on the opinions of other famous specialists in this field
Published Version
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