
The author of the article has studied the main disadvantages of legal provision of health care financing in Ukraine and the ways of their elimination.
 The legal principles of medical reform and the basic principle about the autonomy of medical institutions – “a patient-money” have been analyzed. It has been stressed that the subjects of public law in the person of state and municipal health care institutions according to the Constitution of Ukraine are obliged to provide free medical care, however, with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On State Financial Guarantees of Medical Care of the Population”, a partial payment for medical services has been established.
 The author has offered to provide additional guarantees for disadvantaged population by developing and financing social programs for the availability of medical care.
 The cases of the access to information about a patient without his consent have been considered. New theoretical conclusions, generalizations and suggestions have been formulated, in particular, the author has offered the definition of the concept of “direct threat to life” in the context of regulatory acts regulating financing of health care in Ukraine. It has been stressed that a direct threat to life is the emergence of conditions under which there is a risk of death of a patient without the provision of medical care.
 It has been clarified that the main disadvantages of legal provision of health care financing in Ukraine include: non-compliance of certain provisions of the mentioned Law with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine; the risk of arrangements between family doctors and doctors in different areas in regard of sending patients for further treatment; the lack of security guarantees of personal data of patients in the electronic health care system; the risk of reducing the number of medical institutions in Ukraine.
 It has been concluded that the reform of the health care system necessitates amendments to the Art. 49 of the Constitution of Ukraine and adoption of the Concept of Financing and Development of the Health Care System, which would involve the introduction of a mixed model of financing health care field.
 The perspective direction of further research the author believes that scientific development of propositions on improving liability for offenses in the sphere of health care financing in Ukraine.


  • із застосуванням механізму обов'язкового та добровільного медичного страхування

  • Одним із перших кроків на шляху до якісних змін у системі охорони здоров’я стало ухвалення Закону України від 06.04.2017 «Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів щодо удосконалення законодавства з питань діяльності закладів охорони здоров’я»1, у п

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Постановка проблеми Нинішню державну політику України спрямовано на збереження та зміцнення здоров’я нації, формування здорового способу життя тощо. Проблемам удосконалення правового регулювання у сфері охорони здоров’я присвячено праці Н. «Державне управління системою охорони здоров’я на регіональному рівні» (2011) обґрунтувала необхідність розробки принципів забезпечення пріоритету прав і свобод людини щодо отримання медичного обслуговування [1], В.

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